The MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resources Management Competition
MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management Competition, otherwise known as MERMC, is an annual international competition hosted by MonsoonSIM and its partners. This yearly event dynamically involves students and educators with the objective of exposing students to the concept of ERM through challenging and engaging simulation games.
MERMC, hosted annually online, aspires to bring together students worldwide in the spirit of sportsmanship, entrepreneurship, and friendship. During the MERMC 2021, over 6,000 students from over 100 universities participated. Among these teams of outstanding students, some of the countries represented include Australia, the USA, China, the UK, Germany, UAE, Ukraine, Macedonia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia.
The MonsoonSIM platform came in handy and propel Team BUMBLEBEE to even brighter futures and greater heights!
The 2021 Victors
The previous year’s reigning champion is none other than Team BUMBLEBEE. Representing Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia (UISI), Team Bumblebee has an ELO of 1558 and is made up of five exceptional team members, namely Hariza Rahmah, Maya Elvina Puspitasari, Nafsya Rafsanjani, Nugraheni Tahirawati, and Sofia Namira Firdaus. Through their excellent teamwork, enterprising effort, and commendable guidance from their mentor, Mr. Muhammad Akbar, they have risen from the MERMC 2021 as the victors.
The BUMBLEBEE team in 2022
We recently interviewed team BUMBLEBEE to see how they are doing. We wanted to know, what are the members of Team BUMBLEBEE up to now? Moreover, what adventures are the members of this fearless team currently involved in?
Here are some of Bumblebee’s responses.
“My current field of work is as an IT consultant at PT Sinergi Informatika Semen Indonesia, or PT SISI GRESIK,” Maya shares.
Sofia adds that she’s currently working with ERP as a Junior Functional employee. This is certainly in line with the knowledge and skills that MERMC hopes to equip its participants with.
“Last time, I got a job as a Junior Freelance Consultant in a small management consulting firm.” Nugraheni also explains.
Based on the team’s answers, with roles such as in Consultancy, Information Technology, and ERP, it can be certain that what they have learned from the competition and the MonsoonSIM platform could come in handy and propel them to even brighter futures and greater heights!
The road to victory!
“I started using the MonsoonSIM platform at the beginning of semester 5 in 2020.” Says Maya in the interview, “It's very nice to be able to compete with great teams from various countries, until now it's still like our dream to be the champion.”
The members of Team BUMBLEBEE sacrificed time, thought, and energy into making victory a reality.
“It was great because participating in the MERMC can help us know our own capabilities. Gradual progress and also grew the of cohesiveness in our team.” Sofia and Maya describe together when asked about what they thought of their overall experience at the MERMC 2021.
“I also joined the competition because I want to learn directly about company management and want to make friends from various universities in various countries.” Sofia also mentions.
Nugraheni also shares that their team has been actively participating in smaller-scale MonsoonSIM competitions, such as the occasional leagues between international or regional club members. These include the Trainee Trial, Ready Rookie, and plenty of other exciting leagues hosted by MonsoonSIM.
“With MERMC, we felt challenged to a bigger competition, and fortunately, our lecturers supported us with that.” Nugraheni then discusses their victorious competition, “Being able to compete with so many teams from different countries, it was something I had never imagined before. But if we look back on the preparations, we now realize that we have sacrificed and learned a lot about how to work together in a team. We've learned a lot about ERM and ERP systems, how to manage a company and in particular, we have developed a lot of knowledge on how to work together as a team.”
How Their MERMC 2021 Experience Has Shaped Their Current Path
“I am trying to find new things that increase my experience, and I do this by looking for courses to join or other learnings to add supporting skills to my work,” Maya says after outlining how her MERMC 2021 experience has brought a greater understanding and importance of teamwork and mutual communication as well as a good exchange of opinions.
Nugraheni, explains that after winning the MERMC last year, she started an internship at a consulting company from the beginning to the middle of the year while completing a thesis. She has recently just graduated and is now focusing on her career search, whilst also increasing her skills and knowledge through online certifications and webinars.
“The MERMC experience makes us even more excited and less hesitant to try new things because there will be many possibilities when we are willing to keep trying.” Nugraheni also remarks.
Participating in MonsoonSIM ERM Competition helped Team BUMBLEBEE know their own capabilities, grow cohesiveness, and learn about company management.
Final Takeaways
When asked about some words of wisdom that the Team Bumblebee representatives would like to convey to their fellow MonsoonSIM enthusiasts and more relevantly, the current MERMC 2022 competing teams.
“Good teamwork is the key to achieving our team’s goal of winning. If any member makes a mistake, then all members must also be responsible.” Maya shares based on her experience, highlighting the crucial need for all team members to act as a team together, to succeed and learn together.
Other tips that both Maya and Sofia impart from their MERMC 2021 journey is that whilst teamwork is the most important, it’s also crucial to think positively, accept and keep an open mind to the opinions of fellow friends, and always evaluate after playing and trying various strategies.
Lastly, Nugraheni adds, “The most important thing is that you have the courage to accept defeat and learn from it. Never give up, be supportive and pray a lot.”
With that said, MonsoonSIM wishes the best of luck to all current MERMC 2022 participants and sincerely hopes that the student feature interview series such as this one with the BUMBLEBEE team can be a source of inspiration and encouragement for us all!