MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management Competition is an annual inter-varsity competition hosted by MonsoonSIM and its partners. This will be our 7th annual event. The competition is a high-energy event involving students and lecturers with the objective of exposing students to the concept of enterprise resource management (ERM) through fun and exciting simulation games.
Students in teams of 5-player will be asked to run virtual companies to COMPETE with one another for the highest business KPI targets set for the day to win the competition.
There will be so much fun, so much learning, and so much networking to do.
Event Schedule
University Level
In this period, all participating universities are expected to conduct their internal or campus-level competitions to decide the winning teams. These teams will proceed to compete in the regional level
Regional Level
In this period, all regional partners are expected to conduct their regional competitions to decide the winning teams. These teams will proceed to compete in the international level

MERMC Details & Latest Announcement
last update: 7th November 2021

Club Drawing Result (by 27th October 2021)

Winner Announcement
MERMC 2021 - Winner Announcement
International Level MERMC Starts
Registration deadline
Each country partner submits up to 5 clubs + club banner
Opening Ceremony & Club Draw & Friendly Game (Zoom session)
MERMC 2021 Registration
Welcome Speech by Head of MERMC2021
(Mr.Didi Kuan)
Speech by CEO & President Pagero Group
(Mr. Bengt Nilsson)
Speech by International gamification consultant, mentor, speaker, trainer and lecturer
(Mr.Pete Jenkins)
Speech by Chief of HC Management & Marketing Office PT. Adira Dinamika Multi finance, tbk
(Mrs. Swandajani Gunadi)
What’s Next from MonsoonSIM
(Mr. Abdy Taminsyah)
Competition roadmap and rules
(Mr.Didi Kuan)
Introducing Judges
( Dr. Scott Dell, CPA, CPC, DBA and Eric Christian Soeseno)
Club Drawing (LIVE)
Club Draw & Friendly Game (Zoom session)
Getting ready for the 06 November
Preliminary Game
Semi Final Game
Grand Final Game (1 Club Game)
Grand Final Game
Video Submission Deadline
MERMC 2021 Champion Announcement and Closing Ceremony Ceremony (Zoom session)
Champion, Video Clip, MonsoonSIM Version 10 Sneak Peek, Door Prize Announcement, Closing Ceremony
Join Closing CeremonyMERMC 2021 Video Playlist
MERMC 2021 Distinguished Speaker

CEO & President of Pagero Group

International gamification consultant, mentor, speaker, trainer and lecturer

Human Capital & Marketing Director
Adira Finance
MERMC 2021 Distinguished Judges

Assistant Professor of Accounting
Francis Marion University
Florence, South Carolina

Commercial Sales Manager at L'Oréal
MERMC 2015 Champion & ADIRA Innocamp 2018 Champion
Congratulations to the Coaches

Mohd Farid
Republic Polytechnic

Albunus Ng
Singapore Polytechnic

Dr. Ma Nang Laik
Singapore University of Social Sciences

Dr. Jonathan Leong
Singapore University of Social Sciences

Prof. Nina Poyda-Nosik
Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education

Dr. Edwin Lim
Deakin University

Surachai Alex Suantubtim
Dhurakij Pundit University

D.M. Kunakorn Wiwattanakornwong
Dhurakij Pundit University

Dr. Choo Peng Yin
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Dr. MingDer May
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology

Muhammad Fadhly Rizky Octavio
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Hendri Kwistianus
Petra Surabaya

Muhammad Akbar
Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia

Ari Santoso
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Dr. Grace T. Pontoh
FEB Universitas Hasanuddin

University Sains Malaysia (USM)

Dr. Mohamad Shah Kassim
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Prof. Arlene San Pablo
National University
The MERMC 2021 Finalists

Participants Coming From...
MERMC Hall of Fame
MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resources Management Competition 2021

International Champion
Member: Hariza Rahmah, Maya Elvina Puspitasari, Nafsya Rafsanjani, Nugraheni Tahirawati, Sofia Namira Firdaus
Coach: Muhammad Akbar
University: Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia
MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resources Management Competition 2020

International Champion
Club: Intisar Sanatama
Member: Muhammad Faiq Jauhar, Ainun Jariyah, Sukma Putri Yulia, Akhlis Faris Mushaffa, Adin Ihtisyamuddin
Coach: Muhammad Fadhly Rizky Octavio
University: Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)
MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resources Management Competition 2019

International Champion
Club: TH Deja Vu
Member: Jack, Jojo, Josuke, Teeratach Jearapaganon, Yossapon Pradit
University: Kasetsart University
MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resources Management Competition 2018

International Champion
Club: Kokobap
Member: CHEE CHI KIAN, Lau Hooi Fen, Lau Zhi En, Lim Wen Yi, Wong Jai Lynn
Coach: Choo Peng Yin
University: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman