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Friday, 27 January 2023,
15:00 - 16:30 GMT +8

Bring experience-based learning into your classroom!
Welcome to our open discussion! We created this for everyone who is interested in business experiential learning!
Do you have any questions to ask? Do you need tips for implementing MonsoonSIM in your class?
You can raise your concern. Ask for a quick demonstration or discuss some ideas.
Please join our free discussion on:
- Friday
- 3 PM Singapore Time or 2 PM Jakarta Time
- Free, register down below to get the Zoom Invitation
MonsoonSIM is a cloud-based ERP simulation and experiential learning software platform covering thirteen business departments all wrapped into one platform. Teachers can configure business environments as facilitators; train problem-solving skills in a business environment; enhance teaching and learning; and leverage educational technology to improve learning. This immersive platform comes with robots that both compete and support the learners as they operate their virtual businesses. Participants will learn how teachers can become a facilitator teaching complex business processes.
There is no need to have any business background to play MonsoonSIM. In terms of infrastructure, all you need is a laptop with wifi access.
For more info please contact:
Andre Jatmiko
MonsoonSIM Indonesia, +6285694314181 &
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